Every business produces waste, and managing it can sometimes be tricky. In the modern world, where reducing excess waste and limiting environmental damage is more important, it can be hard to know how best to manage your business waste.
Luckily for you, we've made this quick guide for businesses like yours that may be struggling to get on top of your waste management.
Properly managing business waste is important for the environment and, if that wasn't reason enough, it can also save your business significant money both in the short and long term.
You'll find some tips on how to manage business waste properly below:
Consider how resources can be used more efficiently to avoid or reduce waste For example, think about how products are packaged, transported, used, and disposed of. Keeping track of your waste like this means you can find ways to reduce it.
Assess the waste you're currently producing to understand the types of waste and how much waste your business produces. This can help you improve waste management as you'll be able to identify unnecessary waste and reduce usage.
You've heard it before, and it's almost a cliché, but implementing these key points can give your waste reduction a much-needed boost. Focus first on waste prevention, which will help eliminate waste at its source, then look for recycling options to manage waste that cannot be prevented.
Finally, look for ways to modify your current practices to reuse some of your waste by changing the design or manufacturing processes you currently have.
Store waste in a safe place to prevent accidents and spills. This is especially important with hazardous waste, which requires you to have a much stricter approach to your waste management.
Hiring a licensed waste management company can help you manage your business waste. They are companies that, by their very nature, know what they're doing when it comes to waste management and disposal. There are also plenty of them, so you can be sure they'll provide services that suit you.
By following these tips, your business will be better placed to effectively manage its waste and reduce its impact on the environment.
Properly managing business waste is important for the environment and, if that wasn't reason enough, it can also save your business significant money both in the short and long term. Our tips for reducing waste include tracking, measuring, and reducing your waste. As well as storing it properly.
Waste prevention can benefit any business, regardless of its size or industry. Reducing waste can mean you're able to reduce risks for your workforce and reduce the stress of waste management, as well as save money. Reducing waste means having good business waste management in place.
Every business and household produces waste but, unlike your domestic waste, your commercial waste demands special attention, and understanding how to handle each type of waste is one of the most important, and often overlooked, parts of responsible business practices.Common Types of Commercial WasteKnowing how to categorise the different types of commercial waste you produce could prove crucial in implementing responsible waste management in your business. By taking a proactive approach to commercial waste management, businesses like yours can reduce their environmental impact and potentially cut down on waste disposal costs. Common types of commercial waste include:
Five Ways to Keep Your Business GreenHow a Green Approach Benefits Your BusinessIn an era of increasing environmental concerns, businesses must prioritise sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint. By embracing green initiatives, companies like yours can contribute to a healthier planet while enjoying numerous benefits, including lower costs and a positive brand image. In this article, we'll explore five practical ways to keep your business green and environmentally responsible.
How To Manage Your Business's Hazardous WasteWhat Is Hazardous Waste?All businesses produce waste, but not all of them produce hazardous waste. Hazardous waste is, according to the UK Government, waste that is harmful to humans or the environment. This is quite a broad term, and it's not always clear exactly what kind of waste this includes, so read on to find out exactly what qualifies. How Do You Manage Hazardous Waste?Managing hazardous waste involves gathering and processing materials classified as hazardous. Specialised teams and equipment need to be used to minimise the harm done to both human health and the environment. The management of hazardous waste is costly but extremely important. There are several laws in place to ensure that businesses deal with it properly; whether your business is small or large, you need to make sure you remain within the strict guidelines as not doing so could result in legal action. Classifying Your WasteBefore your waste can be sent off for disposal, you need to fill in some paperwork that describes its nature. This will include what the waste is, where it was produced, and a chemical analysis of its components. You will usually be able to see if your waste is hazardous from the waste code associated with it but, if not, you can check the Government's technical guidance on waste management. If the waste your business produces is hazardous, you need to make sure that the company or individual responsible for disposing of it is equipped to do so. Not all waste management companies can deal with hazardous waste, so you need to work with one that does. Here are some examples: AsbestosChemicalsBatteriesSolventsPesticides If you are unsure about whether the waste your business produces is classed as hazardous, you need to check before you send it for disposal. This means that anyone who deals with it can do so properly. Hazardous Waste RegulationsYou need to be aware of your obligations regarding hazardous waste management; as a small business owner, you probably can't afford to make any mistakes. There are various regulations your business must adhere to if it keeps hazardous waste on-site, not the least of which is the requirement to register your business as a 'hazardous waste producer' with the Government. Other rules stipulate how you should collect, store, and label your waste. First and foremost is the requirement for your business to do everything it can to prevent the production of waste, and any waste you produce must not exceed the maximum capacity of your site. Your hazardous waste must not be mixed with other types of waste, and be stored in appropriate containers. You should familiarise yourself with these rules, as well as the full list on the Government's website. Sticking to them will mean that you're able to keep your business, employees, and the surrounding environment safe as well as avoid any penalties for hazardous waste mismanagement.